The Contact Group

The UK collaboration for military mental health policy, treatment and research

Contact Armed Forces

The UK collaboration for military mental health policy, treatment and research

What we are

Members >

Associates >

Research Associates >

Partners >


Contact is a collaborative group of member organisations active in military mental healthcare drawn from the statutory and non-statutory (charity, academic and professional) sectors, and from across the four nations of the UK. You can find out more about Contact here and about our member organisations below.


Cobseo, the Confederation of Service Charities, consists of over 300 armed forces charities and other organisations. A membership organisation, it represents, promotes and furthers the interests of the Armed Forces Community (serving, veterans and families) through co-operation, co-ordination and cohesion.

0800 138 1619


Cobseo -The Confederation of Service Charities

Cobseo consists of over 300 charities and organisations; it is a membership organisation representing, promoting and furthering the interests of the Armed Forces Community.

Charitable support is maximised to this community through co-operation, co-ordination, cohesion and, where appropriate, co-location of organisations working in the sector.

Cobseo provides a single point of contact for interaction with Government, including local government and the Devolved Administrations; with the Royal Household; with the Private Sector; and, of course, with other members of the Armed Forces Community. This allows Cobseo Members to interact with all interested parties and especially to cooperate and collaborate with others in order to provide the best possible level of support to beneficiaries.

Cobseo Cluster groups are working groups within Cobseo (covering areas including Employment, Housing, Care and Research, among others) where organisations that specialise in these specific areas can raise issues, identify solutions and make recommendations for improvements and action.

Get in touch

Tel: 0207 811 3200

Combat Stress

We are the UK’s leading charity for veterans’ mental health. For over a century we’ve helped former servicemen and women deal with trauma-related mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Accredited by Contact/RCPsych QNVMHS

0800 138 1619
07537 404 719


Combat Stress

Today, we provide specialist treatment and support for veterans with complex mental health issues. 

Our free 24-hour Helpline provides confidential mental health advice. You, or your family, friends or carers, can contact us anytime, day or night, for help. 

Our specialist team will help you find the right support to tackle the past and take on the future.

“You don’t want to admit that there is a problem, but I knew it had got to the point where I was going to do something really stupid if I didn’t get help.

“It was a relief to know that there was actually something wrong with me, and that I wasn’t just a horrible person. It was a difficult process, but it has changed my life. I still have moments, but I now have the tools to overcome them.

“Quite simply, without Combat Stress I would be dead or doing life in jail…and I mean that. Make the call. You’re not going to get anywhere trying to do it on your own.”

Pete was deployed in 1975 to Northern Ireland during the height of the tensions. Throughout this time, he unknowingly battled with mental health issues, before things reached breaking point when he retired from the Army.

Eventually, 11 years after leaving the Army, Pete made the call to Combat Stress. He underwent a range of treatment programmes and has since rediscovered his drive and passion for life

Get in touch

For confidential mental health advice, please contact our 24-hour Helpline:

Tel: 0800 138 1619
Text: 07537 404 719

Department of Health & Social Care

We support ministers in leading the nation’s health and social care to help people live more independent, healthier lives for longer. DHSC is a ministerial department, supported by 28 agencies and public bodies.

Help for Heroes

Help for Heroes’ Hidden Wounds service supports ex-Service personnel, their families and the families of those still serving who are living with anxiety, depression, stress, anger or who wish to change their drinking habits. Accredited by Contact/RCPsych QNVMHS

01980 844388


Help for Heroes

Help for Heroes – Hidden Wounds

Are you a Veteran or an Armed Forces family member struggling with low mood, worry, stress, anger or wanting to change your drinking habits? If so, take back control with Help for Heroes’ Hidden Wounds service.

Hidden Wounds supports ex-service personnel, their families and the families of those still serving who are living with anxiety, depression, stress, anger or who wish to change their drinking habits. Free and confidential support is available by phone, Skype or face to face, delivered by an experienced team who understand military life.

“Everyone I spoke to at Hidden Wounds was discreet, supportive, kind and empathetic; I never felt judged or pressured. Hidden Wounds found a way to support me that was tailored to my own experiences, arranged at a pace that suited my life.”

A Help for Heroes’ Hidden Wounds beneficiary

Get in touch

Tel: 01980 844388



Icarus is a Scottish registered charity SC049263, providing free, confidential, impartial mental health support. Immediate care, assessment and rehabilitation is provided for military personnel, veterans, uniformed services and their families. Accredited by Contact/RCPsych QNVMHS

Kings College London

The King’s Centre for Military Health Research (KCMHR) at King’s College London is the largest producer of military mental health research in the UK.

+44 (0)20 7848 5351


Kings College London

The King’s Centre for Military Health Research (KCMHR) at King’s College London is the largest producer of military mental health research in the UK.  It provides the Contact Group with academic input and advice on evidence-based practice.

KCMHR is the leading civilian centre of excellence for military health research in the UK and its work has helped shape government policy towards military personnel.

King’s College London is one of the top 25 universities in the world and has more than 27,600 students (of whom nearly 10,500 are graduate students) from 150 countries worldwide, and 6,800 staff.  King’s has an outstanding reputation for world-class teaching and cutting-edge research. It has a particularly distinguished reputation in the humanities, law, the sciences (including a wide range of health areas such as psychiatry, medicine, nursing and dentistry) and social sciences including international affairs.

Get in touch

Tel:+44 (0)20 7848 5351

Ministry of Defence

The Ministry of Defence (MOD) works for a secure and prosperous United Kingdom with global reach and influence. We will protect our people, territories, values and interests at home and overseas, through strong armed forces and in partnership with allies, to ensure our security, support our national interests and safeguard our prosperity. MOD is a ministerial department, supported by 28 agencies and public bodies.

Ministry of Defence

The mental health and wellbeing of service personnel, whether regulars or reservists, their families and veterans is a priority for the government.

Serving personnel

The MOD and Defence Medical Services have worked hard to improve the mental health services available to those serving in the armed forces (including mobilised reservists). We have implemented many new interventions including deploying expert mental health professionals to the front line and ensuring that briefing on the support available, assessment and treatment (if required) is offered to every serviceman and woman both before and after deployment.

These improvements have seen stress management being embedded throughout the armed forces, with mental health awareness training, caring leadership and effective line management skills becoming a priority for all levels. We are making a concerted effort to reduce the stigma associated with mental health and further promote awareness of the medical care and support available.

If someone thinks they have a mental health condition or just wants someone to speak to, they can ask for help from any medical officer or their chain of command. All units are supported by non-medical personal that are able to signpost to the relevant service. This includes Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) Practitioners (individuals trained in assessing the risk of problems associated with traumatic events) and chaplains.

Personnel can then either be treated for mental health problems by their medical officer in their unit medical centre, or referred to specialist mental healthcare services.

Specialist mental health services are primarily delivered through 16 military Departments of Community Mental Health (DCMHs) located in large military centres across the UK, as well as centres overseas. UK DCMHs are staffed by psychiatrists, mental health nurses, clinical psychologists and mental health social workers.

A wide range of psychiatric and psychological treatments are available, including medication, psychological therapies, social support and a change of environment where appropriate.

For some personnel there may be a fear that presenting for help with a mental health problem may damage their opportunities to remain in the armed forces. More than 70% of those who do present to DCMHs are returned to full fitness and can continue a productive career. Of those that don’t, many are satisfied with the outcome of leaving the armed forces. Only 3 to 4% of personnel are medically discharged as a result of a mental health problem. It must be noted that to ensure a continuation of care, individuals are still able to access defence mental health services up to 6 months after discharge.


Mobilised reservists receive care in the same way as regular personnel. Non-mobilised reservists remain under the care of NHS services, and can also access occupational health services via the Defence Medical Services, which addresses their fitness to serve.

The Veterans and Reserves Mental Health Programme , run in partnership with the NHS is staffed by both military and civilian clinicians with extensive military experience and knowledge.

The service offers free advice and is open to all current or former members of the UK volunteer and regular reserves who have been demobilised since 1 January 2003, following operational deployment overseas as a reservist and who believe that their deployment may have affected their mental health.

Service families and veterans

In the UK, the NHS is responsible for delivering healthcare for the families of those serving and veterans. Mental healthcare is a multi-agency delivery effort and the MOD and UK Department of Health are working with the NHS and service charities, including Combat Stress, to promote awareness of veterans’ and service family issues.

In addition, Help for Heroes Hidden Wounds provides free and confidential support to Veterans, their families and the families of those currently serving who are suffering with anxiety, depression, stress, anger or alcohol. The service is easily accessible, with support delivered by phone, Skype or face to face.

Veterans can also access services ran by the Veterans and Reserves Mental Health Programme (VRMHP) as above.

The MOD provide healthcare services to families who are registered with Defence Medical Services, including those who accompany their serving family member when posted to our major bases overseas.

NHS England

NHS England

Healthcare information and support for the UK’s 10 million-strong armed forces community, including serving personnel, reservists, veterans and their families.


NHS England and NHS Improvement

Healthcare for the armed forces community

The NHS provides a range of healthcare information and support for the UK’s 10 million-strong armed forces community, including serving personnel, reservists, veterans and their families.


Although the MOD retains the responsibility for most non-emergency/crisis mental health issues for serving personnel, the NHS provides some in-service healthcare, hospital care, rehabilitation and mental health services. More information here.


There is a range of NHS services and advice available for service personnel leaving the forces, whether this is part of normal discharge or as a result of being wounded, injured or sick.  More information here.

Veterans, families and reservists

NHS information and support services are available to veterans, families and reservists. Local NHS GPs and mental health services are normally the first line of support; however specialist services are offered throughout England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland for those with service-related issues.

Get in touch

Northern Ireland Veterans' Support Office

The Veterans’ Support Office (VSO) was established to ensure that Veterans living in Northern Ireland do not experience disadvantage. The work of the VSO supports Veterans and the families, carers and widows or widowers of Veterans.

+44 (0)2895 216784


Northern Ireland Veterans' Support Office

The VSO was established to develop the capacity to deliver the Armed Forces Covenant in Northern Ireland. We achieve this by developing strong working links between Devolved Government Departments, Local Government Veterans’ Champions and the voluntary and charitable sector. This ensures that Veterans living in Northern Ireland do not experience disadvantage as a result of their Service in the Armed Forces and have the same access to services and support as any other citizen. 

How do we do it?

The VSO has 5 main tasks:

  • To be a trusted point of contact for Veterans whose needs are not being met.
  • To be a single point of contact for all organisations providing services for Veterans.
  • To develop a coherent and coordinated approach to support Veterans.
  • To increase the quantity and scope of services available by promoting and guiding access to Armed Forces Covenant Trust Funding.
  • To achieve and monitor outcomes in all the above and communicate these outcomes appropriately.
Office for Veterans Affairs

Office for Veterans’ Affairs

We lead UK Government efforts to make sure the United Kingdom is the best place to be a veteran anywhere in the world, helping the nation fulfil its lifelong duty to those who have served in the Armed Forces.


Office For Veteran Affairs

The office is located at the heart of government as part of the Cabinet Office and works with all UK Government departments and a large range of other private, charity and public sector organisations who collectively deliver support and services to veterans.


PTSD Resolution

PTSD Resolution

Providing counselling for former armed forces, reservists and families. For free, immediate help, local or online, call 0300 302 0551 or email Accredited by Contact/RCPsych QNVMHS


PTSD Resolution

Psychological trauma manifests in many ways, from mild disturbance on being reminded of traumatic events through to full-blown PTSD. PTSD is a carefully defined medical and legal entity, and not everyone with post-traumatic symptoms will qualify for a diagnosis. However, if you are experiencing psychological distress, including PTSD, we can usually help you if you have been in the UK armed forces.

Symptoms of military PTSD can include flashbacks and nightmares involving one of more traumatic events that you may have experienced during military service. If this applies to you, then you can contact us confidentially for details of help available near you. Contact PTSD Resolution by phone on 0300 302 0551.

We’ll discuss your needs, advise you of your eligibility for help, describe how the programme works and then put you in touch with a local therapist who is registered for the PTSD Resolution programme. You then attend a course of sessions with a qualified therapist. The programme involves usually five or six one-hour therapy sessions. This is on a one-to-one, out-patient basis with the therapist, until symptoms are relieved. All therapy is entirely confidential.

Get in touch

Tel: 0300 302 0551

Royal College of Psychiatrists

The Royal College of Psychiatrists is the professional medical body responsible for supporting psychiatrists. RCPsych aims to improve the outcomes of people with mental illness, and the mental health of individuals, their families and communities


Royal College of Psychiatrists

The Royal College of Psychiatrists is the professional medical body responsible for supporting psychiatrists throughout their careers, from training through to retirement. We are committed to setting and raising standards of psychiatry in the United Kingdom.

RCPsych aims to improve the outcomes of people with mental illness, and the mental health of individuals, their families and communities.

We achieve this by:

  • Setting standards and promoting excellence in psychiatry
  • Leading, representing and supporting psychiatrists
  • Improving the scientific understanding of mental illness
  • Working with and as advocates for patients, carers and their organisations

We play a vital role in representing the expertise of the psychiatric profession to governments and other agencies, both nationally and internationally.

Get in touch


Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion provides support services to the men and women of the Armed Forces, veterans and their families – ensuring help is at hand through life.

0808 802 8080


Royal British Legion

Bravo 22 Company

As part of its physical and mental wellbeing support, the Royal British Legion’s Bravo 22 Company has been successfully running theatre and art projects across the UK for the last five years. The regional projects are open to all members of the Armed Forces Community, including serving personnel, veterans and their family members. These projects are designed to help people along their individual paths of recovery by improving self-esteem, confidence and motivation.

From performing on stage, script writing and set design, to creating life-size sculptures, Bravo 22 Company is a great way to meet other people, learn new skills and tell your story through the arts.

There’s no need for any previous experience in theatre or art to get involved, just a willingness to try something new.


“When I heard about Bravo 22 I thought, ‘this is something I’ve never done before. It will take me out of my comfort zone and really challenge me’. I needed something to do. I was retreating back into myself after undergoing rehab. I’m not arty at all but I really got into it. It allowed me to express my emotions, and helped me to vent it in a controlled manner.  It’s given me a sense of pride again and it’s proved that although I have suffered quite extensive injuries I can do anything if I set my mind to it.”

Dave Pegram took part in the Bravo 22 Art of Recovery project in 2016

Get in touch

Royal British Legion
Tel: 0808 802 8080

or visit your local Pop In Centre

Bravo 22 Company


Scottish Government

The Scottish Government is the devolved government for Scotland and has a range of responsibilities that include: the economy, education, health, justice, rural affairs, housing, environment, equal opportunities, consumer advocacy and advice, transport and taxation.


Scottish Government

The Scottish Government is the devolved government for Scotland and has a range of responsibilities that include: the economy, education, health, justice, rural affairs, housing, environment, equal opportunities, consumer advocacy and advice, transport and taxation.



Togetherall (formerly Big White Wall) provides 24/7 safe, anonymous support FREE to all UK serving personnel, veterans and their families.



Togetherall (formerly Big White Wall) is a digital mental health service for people aged 16+. It is available to serving members of the UK military, reservists, veterans and their family members aged 16+.

Togetherall services for the Armed Forces include:

Support Network

24/7 professionally moderated online peer support, self-management information, creative arts and writing therapies.

Guided Support

Structured online group courses on common mental health issues including anxiety and depression, plus smoking cessation, weight management and alcohol use.

Togetherall is free and completely anonymous and can be accessed privately from a place of your choosing. All you need is an internet connection and a computer, tablet or smartphone, join us or find out more.

“Togetherall allows me to express my feeling fully without fear of condemnation, I can display my feeling knowing that I won’t be judged. The responses were meaningful and you can really feel others concerns. I am able to communicate with people like myself. Depression and PTSD is a really lonely place, even today you can still feel the stigma.  The military don’t feel that the pain we go through, mental health is not truly recognised by our peers and counterparts. Just because you can see the pain they think you’re making it up, or you want an easy time of it?”

RAF Veteran – February 2016

Get in touch

Armed Forces log-in/sign-up:

Veterans NHS Wales

Veterans NHS Wales offers specialist support to veterans who are experiencing service-related mental health problems. Accredited by Contact/RCPsych QNVMHS

029 2183 2261


Veterans NHS Wales

Each Local Health Board (LHB) in Wales has appointed an experienced clinician as a Veteran Therapist (VT) with an interest in or experience of military (mental) health problems. The VT will accept referrals from healthcare staff, GPs, veterans charities and self-referrals from ex-service personnel directly. The appropriate VT can be contacted by going to their LHB page on the VNHSW website and using one of the contact methods including telephone, email or fax.

Appointments will be arranged as close to the veteran’s home as possible in a suitable venue. The service is not able to respond to emergency referrals. Veterans in crisis should contact their GP or the Out of Hours Service. There is a Psychiatrist on-call at all Accident and Emergency Units in District General Hospitals. Alternatively, call these 24/7 help lines: CALL – 0800 132 737 or Combat Stress 24-hour Helpline – 0800 138 1619.

Following assessment the veteran may be offered treatment by the VT or referred on to other NHS teams or departments for further treatment. The VT will also refer to veteran charities for help with debt management, benefits and war pension/armed forces compensation claims where needed.

Don’t suffer in silence, contact us now and we can try and help you get on with your life.

Get in touch

Tel: 029 1283 2261
Email: Admin.Vnhswc&

Walking With The Wounded

The WWTW Head Start programme provides evidence-based treatment from accredited private therapists nationwide. Ex-service personnel with mild to moderate mental health difficulties can receive up to 12 sessions of face to face counselling. Accredited by Contact/RCPsych QNVMHS

01263 863 906


Walking With The Wounded

Walking With The Wounded’s Head Start programme can offer up to 12 sessions of therapy close to home through a national network of private accredited therapists for ex-service personnel.

If you are a former member of the armed forces and are experiencing low mood, worry, intrusive thoughts, nightmares or trouble sleeping, you may be in need of support with one or more of the following areas: depression, anxiety, PTSD and adjustment disorder and you could be eligible for support. Contact your GP or healthcare professional and ask to be referred to the WWTW Head Start programme.

Head Start exists to complement NHS and other third sector organisations in the provision of mental health support to ex-service personnel. Through a national network of accredited therapists we fund private face to face evidence-based therapy for those with mild to moderate mental health difficulties such as depression, anxiety, post traumatic illnesses and adjustment disorder, including for those who simultaneously misuse substances.

The NHS is central to ex-service personnel receiving support with their mental health. However where the local NHS and its veteran specific services have limited geographical coverage and long waiting lists, Head Start offers an alternative.

Established in 2010, Walking With The Wounded provides vulnerable veterans independence through employment. WWTW recognises the inherent skills of our armed service personnel and wants to complement these qualities, as well as provide support to transfer their skills into the civilian workplace. We offer assistance through our programmes to vulnerable veterans who have been physically, mentally or socially disadvantaged by their service and assist them in gaining independence through new, long-term careers outside the military.  This includes providing support to homeless veterans and veterans in the Criminal Justice System, areas which are too often ignored.

The outcome is sustainable employment and independence for them and their families.

Registered charity number 1153497

“Walking With The Wounded is like a guide-dog for a blind person, a companion that has helped me through the hardship of transitioning back into civilian life.”

Paul who is currently being supported by our Head Start programme, Parachute Regiment 2000-2004

Get in touch

For confidential mental health advice, please contact our 24-hour Helpline:

Tel: 01263 863 906

Welsh Government

We are the devolved government for Wales. The Welsh Government consists of the First Minister, Welsh Ministers and the Counsel General. They are supported by civil servants who work across devolved areas that include key areas of public life such as health, education and the environment.


Contact is pleased to have a growing number of associate members – find out more about them below. If your organisation is a Cobseo member that is involved in the provision of mental healthcare or mental wellbeing services to the UK armed forces community, you may qualify to join. Find out more about Contact associate membership here. Please note that Contact is not a regulatory body and does not monitor, regulate or necessarily endorse the actions, services/outputs or views of its Associate members.

-	Defence Medical Welfare Service

Defence Medical Welfare Service

Our mission is to provide a high-quality medical welfare service to those who serve the nation and the community when they are in the patient care pathway, in order to deliver capability and productivity.

-	Defence Medical Welfare Service


Fares4Free is a veteran transportation charity that supports veterans, their families, dependent adults, and children and serving members of the Armed Forces community throughout Scotland.

Fares4Free has dedicated and professionally trained outreach support drivers and volunteers supporting our veterans and their family members on their medical and wellbeing pathways.

-	Defence Medical Welfare Service

Felix Fund

Felix Fund is here to help any military or SO15 (Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism Unit) personnel who have conducted or assisted with Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and Search duties.

We provide welfare support and financial assistance to serving personnel, veterans and their dependents.

-	Defence Medical Welfare Service

HighGround UK

HighGround’s mission is to improve the wellbeing and employment prospects of serving personnel and veterans using the green environment. The charity does this in two ways – by providing advice and support about jobs, careers and vocational opportunities in the land-based sector with Rural Weeks at the core, and delivering the Horticultural Therapy service for injured serving personnel at the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre (DMRC) Stanford Hall.

PTSD Resolution

RAF Association

The Royal Air Forces Association is the charity that supports the RAF community. For over 90 years, the RAF Association have championed a simple belief – that no member of the RAF community should ever be left without the help that they need.

RAF Benevolent Fund

The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund is the Royal Air Force’s leading welfare charity, providing financial, practical and emotional support to serving and former members of the RAF – regardless of rank – as well as their partners and dependents. We are the heart of the RAF Family.



Samaritans provides completely confidential emotional support face-to-face and via phone and email, around the clock every day of the year. Our 20,000 volunteers, working in our network of branches across the UK answer a call for help every six seconds and are trained to support people in emotional distress and vulnerable situations, including veterans, reservists and service families, with mental health issues, relationship breakdown, financial difficulties and suicidal thoughts.

-	Scottish Veterans Residences

Scottish Veterans Residences

Scottish Veterans Residences provides supported housing for former members of the UK Armed Forces who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Our Services are located in Edinburgh, Dundee and Glasgow.

-	Scottish Veterans Residences

Sporting Force

Sporting Force was established to help ex-service men and women make the transition from a life in the military to life as a civilian through social engagement, participation in sport, voluntary placements, training and qualifications into a variety of jobs in the sports and leisure industry. Life in the military is an active life and by working with sports organisations we can offer opportunities that appeal, ignite a passion and help create a new life outside of the services. We also hold the grant portfolio for the VPPP North East & Yorkshire, overseeing 10 local projects. As such, we also support all members of the armed forces community through mental health wellbeing services.



SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, has been providing lifelong support to our Forces and their families since 1885. Our volunteers and employees help more than 85,000 people a year, including serving (regulars and reserves), veterans from the Second World War and more recent conflicts, as well as their families. SSAFA operates in the UK and wherever the UK Armed Forces are based throughout the world.

Scottish Veterans Residences

Supporting Wounded Veterans

Supporting Wounded Veterans’ mission is to enable wounded veterans, mentally or physically injured, to return to employment. Our strategy pillars including Sport Habilitation, involving Winter and Summer Challenges, are designed to regain confidence and team spirit and enable former UK servicemen and women, physically or mentally injured, to move forward from rehabilitation to employment.  The Charity focuses on new ways to involve veterans using their strengths of work ethic, ownership and project management through to employment. SWV is also funding research at Kings College London into MDMA-assisted therapy for ground breaking treatment of severe PTSD in veterans through our Pioneer Programme.

The Poppy Factory

The Armed Forces Equine Charity - Tedworth Equestrian

We support serving members of the Armed Forces, their partners and families; military veterans and those who have been bereaved; alongside the local community around where the Armed Forces are based. As a charity, our aim and goal is to support the efficiency of the Armed Forces and the welfare of the wider Armed Forces Community. We engage with our beneficiaries within the community to better understand their needs and to remain focussed on our goal. To achieve this we deliver bespoke programmes which harness the power of horses to inspire recovery, promote learning and provide opportunities for recreation, regardless of age or ability.

The Poppy Factory

The Poppy Factory

The Poppy Factory supports veterans with health conditions on their journey into employment, helping them overcome any barriers. Our employment support is available to individuals who have served for one day or more in the Armed Forces or Reserves, and consider themselves to have any kind of physical or mental health condition.


The Poppy Factory

The Poppy Factory’s employability service supports wounded, injured and sick veterans back into meaningful and sustainable employment. Our employment support is available to individuals who have served for one day or more in the Armed Forces or Reserves, and consider themselves to have any kind of physical or mental health condition. The Poppy Factory’s employability consultants are based regionally throughout England and Wales, offering regular one-to-one remote contact with veterans.They help each veteran research and apply for job opportunities in their region, and offer ongoing in-work support.


The Ripple Pond

The Ripple Pond

The Ripple Pond is a military charity that provides a UK-wide self-help support network for the adult family members of physically or emotionally injured Service Personnel and Veterans.


The Ripple Pond

At The Ripple Pond every member’s views and experiences are equally valued. How much support you give and receive can depend on what feels right for you at different times. Members may focus on talking and discussion or may choose to do activities together.


Veterans Scotland

The Warrior Programme

The Warrior Programme is a personal motivation and training programme. The course has been developed over the last 10 years and teaches participants how to take control of their life, and increase confidence, motivation and focus, enabling them to create a healthy, independent and balanced lifestyle. The programme is particularly suitable for tackling the demands and challenges experienced by ex-Service and Serving personnel and their families.

Veterans Scotland

Veterans Scotland

Veterans Scotland’s aim is to establish cooperation and coordination between veterans organisations in Scotland to act as a focal point for all matters concerning the ex-service community within Scotland and to represent these matters to government at all levels.


Veterans Scotland

Veterans Scotland does not itself give advice to individuals or dispense aid or assistance, however details of the assistance available from our members can be found in the members section of our website.


Veterans Scotland

WRVS Services Welfare

WRVS Services Welfare delivers an independent and confidential welfare support service, which is responsive to the needs of single and unaccompanied service personnel at military establishments in the UK and abroad. Our team manages over 50 alcohol-free recreation centres with leisure facilities, providing a relaxed, friendly and homely atmosphere with access to trained welfare professionals.

Research Associates

Contact is delighted to have a number of research associate member organisations who help contribute to our work on Research – find out more about them below.

-	Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust

Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust supports the Armed Forces Covenant by delivering funding programmes that create real change to Armed Forces communities across the UK.


The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust

We are a charity and are classified as a Non-Departmental Public Body. We look after the Armed Forces Covenant Fund, worth £10M each year.


Blind Veterans UK

We are here to support anyone who has served in the Armed Forces, or who has done National Service, and who is now living with significant sight loss.


Blind Veterans UK

We help blind ex-Service men and women lead independent and fulfilling lives by supporting them with our in-depth expertise, experience and full range of services. We give veterans much-needed support to adjust to sight loss, overcome the challenges of blindness and enjoy daily life.


University of Manchester

Centre for Mental Health and Safety, University of Manchester

The Centre for Mental Health and Safety (formerly Centre for Mental Health and Risk) is an internationally recognised research centre that has had a major influence on UK policy and practice since 1996.


Centre for Mental Health and Safety

Today it continues to deliver fresh insights that enable health professionals, service providers, policy-makers, patients, offenders and their families to explore opportunities to: improve safety and reduce risk; prevent suicide and self-harm; combat the stigma of mental illness.


Experimental Psychopathology Lab

The Experimental Psychopathology Lab investigates human learning and emotion systems underpinning adaptive behaviour.


Experimental Psychopathology Lab

A psychophysiology and cognitive neuroscience perspective is adopted in which the underlying neurobehavioural mechanisms of clinically relevant behaviours are identified. We design tasks to examine learning and generalisation of fear and avoidance, amongst other topics, in healthy and patient populations.



FiMT Research Centre

The FiMT Research Centre aims to provide an accessible and authoritative evidence base on transition from military to civilian life, in order to inform policy and practice affecting ex-Service personnel and their families.

Mental Health Research Group

Centre for Military Research, Education and Public Engagement

The Centre for Military Research, Education and Public Engagement (CMREPE) is underpinned by armed forces-related work across the university, both research and education, and the development of a strong network of significant partnerships to enhance opportunities for military personnel active, transitioning and veterans in education and research activity.

Northern Hub for Veteran and Military Families’ Research

The Northern Hub for Veterans and Military Families Research is a collective of academics, service providers and service users with an interest in improving the health and social wellbeing of veterans and their families across the life-span.


Northern Hub for Veteran and Military Families' Research

The hub has evolved from the interests of Dr Matthew Kiernan Lieutenant Commander RN(Q) retired and Dr Mick Hill. It has established itself through an evolutionary process attracting and welcoming anyone with a genuine interest in its vision.

We openly welcome visionary and innovative research that helps improve and understand the complexities that our veterans and their families experience across the whole life-span.

A fundamental principle of the hub is collaboration in research for the benefit of others. The Northern Hub for Veterans and Military Families Research developed the Veterans’ Gateway online directory of services available to the veteran community, available at:


Royal College of GPs

We are the professional membership body for GPs in the UK. Our purpose is to encourage, foster and maintain the highest possible standards in general medical practice.


Royal college of GPs

We are the professional membership body for GPs in the UK. Our purpose is to encourage, foster and maintain the highest possible standards in general medical practice. We support GPs through all stages of their career, from medical students considering general practice, through to training, qualified years and retirement.

On average, each GP is responsible for up to 50 ex-military patients. Veterans may have health conditions attributable to their time in the military. Ensuring that all GPs in England are equipped to best serve our armed forces veterans and their families is a key commitment in the NHS Long Term Plan.

The health needs of military veterans can differ significantly to those of other patients. Recognising that veterans have specific medical needs is the first step to providing healthcare to this group of patients.

The RCGP has produced a Veterans’ Healthcare Toolkit containing guidance on how to manage veterans’ healthcare needs as well as advice on how to care for patients who may have been affected by their service careers.The RCGP is also working alongside NHS England to accredit practices as ‘Veteran Friendly’. This is a simple process where practices are required to meet specified criteria and provide evidence that they are supportive of veterans’ healthcare.

Univ of Glasgow

Scottish Veterans Health Research Group

Our aim is to provide high-quality evidence-based information on the long-term health of military veterans.


Scottish Veterans Health Research Group, University of Glasgow

Our aim is to provide high-quality evidence-based information on the long-term health of military veterans, to act as an evidence base for policy makers, planners and service providers and to counter the potentially damaging myths and misconceptions about veterans’ health which have developed.

We also carry out research on the health of serving personnel, especially in areas where there may be an impact on long-term health extending into life as a veteran, in order to inform planning for preventive strategies.

Queens University Belfast

Stress, Trauma and Related Conditions (STARC) research group

The STARC research lab is based at Queen’s University Belfast. Prof Armour has been awarded funding by FiMT to conduct a UK-wide study examining the psychosocial determinants of psychological health and wellbeing for UK military veteran families.

Traumatic Stress Research Group

Traumatic Stress Research Group

Cardiff University Traumatic Stress Research Group is dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of people exposed to traumatic events, through the discovery and dissemination of knowledge.


Traumatic Stress Research

The Group is an interdisciplinary team with a mission to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals exposed to traumatic events.

We aim to: improve understanding of traumatic stress through conducting high-quality externally funded research; develop effective and cost-effective interventions for the prevention and treatment of psychosocial difficulties following exposure to traumatic incidents, with a particular focus on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD (CPTSD); develop strong interdisciplinary global collaborations to facilitate research in the traumatic stress field; develop research capacity in the traumatic stress field; disseminate and exchange evidence-based knowledge.


Veterans and Families Institute for Military Social Research

Veterans and Families Institute for Military Social Research

We carry out research, policy development and consultation on the impact of military service on veterans and their families. Our academics work across disciplines including sociology, psychology, social policy, education, social work, nursing and ethics.


Veterans and Families Institute for Military Social Research

Visiting Fellows provide additional expertise in psychiatry, clinical psychology and criminal justice. Since our inception, we’ve published reports and academic papers relating to both commissioned research and to areas of specific research interest.

Our research team has a growing domestic and international profile and is involved in NATO research on military to civilian transition and sexual violence, as well as collaborative work with universities from the Netherlands, United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

We’re represented on a number of national expert groups including the Confederation of Service Charities (COBSEO) cluster groups on Criminal Justice, Foreign and Commonwealth Personnel & Families and Research, as well as the NHS England Veterans Mental Health Round Table Group.

We are also proud to host the Forces in Mind Research Centre and Veterans & Families Research Hub, a jointly-funded project to develop an online research repository and collaboration environment.


-	Westminster Centre for Research in Veterans

Westminster Centre for Research in Veterans

Our mission is to support the military community through innovative and high quality research, educational provision and community engagement.


Westminster Centre for Research in Veterans

Our vision is to:

  • Provide subject matter expertise and a focal point of consultation to our partners within the North West of England for the betterment of military veterans and their family’s wellbeing
  • Support a vibrant, inspirational and innovative learning environment to provide a rewarding academic experience to: University of Chester personnel and academic partners, Clinical, welfare and military staff who provide care or services to the military community, Local authority partners engaged in the care and support of veterans and The veteran population
  • Grow a robust research profile that will have a positive impact on veteran’s health and healthcare at regional, national and international level, this profile will embrace new technologies and creative methodologies to address issues that negatively affect the wellbeing of the military population
  • Be dynamic and enterprising in our response to new opportunities; Develop positive wide-reaching partnerships with higher education institutions, businesses, third sector organisations including charities, veterans associations and the military population.



Contact is pleased to be connected with a number of different partner organisations – find out more about them below.

FiMT Research Centre

Forces in Mind Trust

We fund targeted, conceptually sound, evidence generation and influencing activities that allow policymakers and service deliverers to help us achieve our goal of enabling all ex-Service personnel and their families to transition into successful and fulfilled civilian lives.

Heads Together

Heads Together

Contact is proud to be a Heads Together Charity Partner. Heads Together brings together The Royal Foundation in partnership with inspiring charities that are tackling stigma, raising awareness and providing vital help for people with mental health challenges.


Force in Mind Trust

Each year approximately 15,000 people leave the UK Armed Forces and for the vast majority they transition successfully into the civilian world, their lives having been enormously enriched by their time in service. However, some need additional support, and it is these most vulnerable people that Forces in Mind Trust exists to help.


Veterans Foundation

Veterans Foundation

The Veterans’ Foundation is one of the country’s fastest-growing military charities and we are proud to work with hundreds of smaller charities and charitable organisations across the UK that share our passion.


Veterans Foundation

The Veterans’ Foundation is one of the country’s fastest-growing military charities and we are proud to work with hundreds of smaller charities and charitable organisations across the UK that share our passion: to provide a better life for our Armed Forces family who are in need (our beneficiaries).

We help our partner organisations by supporting them to deliver life-changing projects through our grant award scheme. Our supporters are the heartbeat of the Veterans’ Foundation and through kind donations, fundraising events and by playing our popular Veterans’ Lottery, challenges are being faced, overcome, and lives are changing for the better.


Veterans Foundation

Lloyd's Patriotic Fund

Founded in 1803, Lloyd’s Patriotic Fund is the oldest military charity of its kind, supporting the armed forces community on behalf of the Lloyd’s market. We focus on improving the transition to civilian life for veterans and their families who need the most help. Today, Lloyd’s Patriotic Fund unites support from the market to aid the successful transition to civilian life for veterans and their families to ensure successful futures. Lloyd’s Patriotic Fund partners with military charities who are best placed to meet the mental health and employment needs of the military community.

Veterans Gateway

Veterans Gateway

Contact supports Veterans’ Gateway as a first point of contact for veterans and their families seeking support.

If you have any queries about the work of the Cobseo Mental Health Cluster Group or it membership, please contact