Contact receives small charity funding for QNVMHS from Lloyd’s Patriotic Fund
The Contact Group is delighted to have been successful in applying for a grant from the Lloyd’s Patriotic Fund small grants programme to help facilitate the participation of 10 small charities in the Contact & RCPsych Quality Network for Veteran Mental...
Contact Group Military Mental Health event in Cardiff – 22 June 2022
The Contact Group is the UK collaboration for military mental health policy, treatment and research, and the mental health cluster for Cobseo. Supported by the Veterans’ Foundation and NHS England & NHS Improvement, Contact was delighted to host a one-day...
Six-figure support to heal veterans’ mental scars
A £200,000 charity partnership will address spiralling demand for mental health services among British Armed Forces veterans suffering with mental health conditions such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depression. This ground-breaking collaboration...
New Veterans’ Foundation grant provides dedicated fund for increased and faster access to mental health treatment for veterans
The Contact Group is delighted to announce that, following a successful funding application, the Veterans’ Foundation has agreed to provide a grant to facilitate increased capacity and faster access to mental health treatment for veterans through a dedicated treatment...