Register your interest in attending!
In March 2021 Contact, with the support of NHS England and NHS Improvement and the Veterans Foundation, will be hosting a second Case Management workshop. The event is designed for professionals working from any sector working with the UK armed forces community whose job role either directly involves or intersects with issues around the case management of service users or beneficiaries. It will be the second Case Management workshop hosted by Contact and will aim to assess progress since the first event in June 2019 as well as update and consult attendees on the ongoing work of Contact in this area. The Contact/Cobseo case management working group that was established after the first event has produced a draft report and recommendations which will be presented at the workshop and feedback invited from attendees. The event will either be in-person (location tbc) or held online, depending on the restrictions in place at the time. A final decision on this will be taken by Contact members in early December and communicated to all interested participants as soon as possible. There are limited spaces available and they will be allocated in order of priority to representatives whose job roles and/or organisations demonstrate a direct involvement with case management of beneficiaries or service users. Places are currently limited to one representative per organisation. If you are interested in attending on behalf of your organisation, please email us (link) with your name, job role, organisation, website and a short description of how your job role and/or organisation is directly involved in case management.